1 - Prices

The prices on this website, quote, table, email, or correspondence sent are valid at the time of consultation or delivery, except for spelling, system, typographical or out of stock errors and may be changed without prior notice.

All prices may include VAT at the legal rate in force, or depending on the type of item, service, or destination, may be exempt from VAT. These details will be expressly indicated on this website, quotation, table, email, or correspondence sent.

2 - Subscriptions

How should I proceed to subscribe to services on the elevenscout.com website?

2.1. Subscription process:

  • Click on the "GET STARTED" button on the website menu or on the initial banner;
  • Choose the service you want and click on the "SUSBCRIBE" button;
  • Check the service, the value and click on the "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT" button;
  • Fill in all the data on the form, read these Terms and Conditions and click on the "PLACE ORDER" button.

2.2. Identification, billing address and payment method

  • The distance payment method will be by credit card or any other payment method expressly agreed with Elevenscout, where all data is secure by the transaction platforms;
  • After "Subscribing" you will receive by email the access data to the web platform and mobile apps, as well as the invoice. This communication may take up to 48 hours to reach your email box (View point 6.);

3 - Application installation

Applications can be downloaded from this website or from the official platforms of compatible operating systems:

  • Install according to your device's instructions;
  • Open the app;
  • Enter the access data you received by email;
  • In the first use you will have to change the password that we send you, in: "My Account > Change Password".

4 - Browser access

At elevenscout.com in the home menu you can click on the "LOGIN" button:

  • Install according to your device's instructions;
  • Open the app;
  • Enter the access data you received by email;
  • A notification will appear to accept or accept later to receive notifications from the platform, we suggest you accept to get more out of the platform;
  • In the first use you will have to change the password that we send you, in: "My Account > Change Password". If you've already done it from the mobile app, it won't be necessary to do it again in the browser.

5 - Technical Support

In "My Account > Request support" you can communicate with our technicians who will respond within 48 hours.

6 - Post-Subscription

6.1. Consideration

  • Customer shall pay Elevenscout the specified amount for each Commercial Offer selected by Customer (the Consideration). The Consideration excludes VAT as prescribed by law, if applicable. Payment of the Consideration shall occur in accordance with the method and term established below.
  • Elevenscout may charge the Consideration provided in the Commercial Offer for the next billing cycle to the Customer's payment method at the end of the optional Free Trial Period, unless the Customer cancels the subscription before the end of the Free Trial Period (at 23:59:59 CET-Lisbon). To view the Commercial Offer and the end date of the free trial period, the Customer must visit their Subscription page on cart.elevenscout.com.
  • The Customer must pay the Consideration by credit card or any other payment method expressly agreed with Elevenscout representatives. Payment details must be previously disclosed to Elevenscout at the time of registration, in accordance with Article 6.4 below and the payment schedule set out in the Commercial Offer.
  • It is the Customer's sole responsibility to notify Elevenscout in writing of any information updates or changes regarding the chosen payment method and/or payment plan if any options exist.
  • In the event of an unsuccessful debit transaction for the Consideration, due to maturity, insufficient funds, technical or other reasons, Elevencout will send a communication notifying the Customer of the lack of payment; Elevencout will proceed with the reprocessing of the same payment 7 (seven) calendar days after such communication. In the event that any other payment attempt is also unsuccessful, at Elevencout's sole discretion, access to the Platform and/or the Service will be suspended, the Login Credentials will be deactivated and a notice will be sent to the Customer requesting him/her it to verify the accuracy of the information and procedures for the Payments of the Consideration in accordance with the payment method selected by the Customer.
  • After payment of the Consideration, Elevenscout will send the Customer the respective invoice in electronic format to the contacts provided by the Customer.

7 - Elevenscout Industrial Property Rights

7.1. Generalities

  • The Customer agrees and acknowledges that the Platform and the Service and any software used to provide the Service and the management of the Platform (the Software) are the property of Elevenscout. The Software contains confidential information protected by applicable laws regarding copyright, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights (Protected Materials). Reproduction, distribution or transmission of the Software and Protected Materials without Elevenscout's prior express written consent is prohibited.
  • Any reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works, redistribution or retransmission of the Software is expressly prohibited and will result in severe civil and criminal penalties. The Software, its structure, sequence, organization and source code are considered trade secrets of Elevenscout and are protected by law.
  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, copying or reproducing the Software to any other server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is strictly prohibited. Customer may not decompile or disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to verify any source code contained in any software provided by Elevenscout in performance of this Agreement.

8 - Third Party Content

8.1. Generalities

  • When the Customer is: (i) a sports club with a football team registered and participating in a football championship at a professional level ( Clubs ), or (ii) an association of sports clubs with a football team registered and participating in a football championship at a professional level ( Liga ), with the signature of this Agreement, the Club or League authorizes - if they are holders of related rights - Elevenscout to hold, maintain and reproduce in the restricted area of ​​the Platform and / or disclose to Customers, through the Service, and to alter and/or manipulate images related to sports competitions organized by the League or in which the Club has allowed its football team to participate (Filming) so that Customers can view such footage.
  • By signing the Agreement, the Club and/or League – where they are the copyright holders – allows Elevenscout to reproduce the Images and provide them through the Service in the restricted area of ​​the Platform. The Club and/or League will not be able to raise any claims of any nature related to the reproduction of images.
  • The provisions included in sections 9.1 and 9.2 are only applicable with respect to the circumstance that the Club and/or the League are the sole owners/holders of these rights. In any other case, the two aforementioned clauses do not apply.

9 - Disclaimer

Customer expressly understands and agrees that:

  • A) Elevenscout will not provide any guarantee that:
         (i) the Service and/or Platform will meet Customer's expectations and needs;
         (ii) The footage will always be continuously present on the Platform and/or provided through the Service; or
  • B) Any information, Footage, material or other content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service and/or the restricted area of ​​the Platform is done at the sole discretion and risk of the Customer and that the Customer will be solely responsible for any damages caused to your or third party's computer systems or loss of data resulting from downloading Footage and/or Software or other Copyrighted Material or other content through the Platform.
  • C) Elevenscout is not responsible for the contents, information and details published on the website and/or the Platform for their accuracy, updating and completeness. Elevenscout, its directors, employees and agents, will not be liable for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, of any kind, whatever its cause, origin, nature or consequences, resulting from access to or inability to access the Site. , or reliance on any information provided on or through the Site.

8 - Dispute resolution

In the event of a dispute, the consumer may contact the Consumer Information and Arbitration Center of Porto CICAP with headquarters Rua Damião de Góis, 31 – Loja 6 – 4050-225 Porto, telephones: 225 508 349 / 225 029 791, fax: 225 026 109, email: cicap@cicap.pt and website www.cicap.pt.